The Brand Sessions: Salon Tocaya Studio


Meet Olivia Windover of Salon Tocaya. She is a rockin’ hair stylist hosting a salon with her friend, Olivia Capuano, at the Salon Lofts near Columbus, Ohio. Olivia asked me about a brand project when she was about to graduate school and launch her small business (that’s the stage I love!) sooooo ’twas a yes! The meaning of the name drew me in – tocaya (adj) means having the same name, so Olivia and Olivia have set out to build a business alongside one another.

We walked through all the whys and hows of her business – who she imagined her ideal customer being, what type of salon she’d like to own someday, the feelings she’d like to bring out in someone stumbling across her business, what type of staff she dreams of having one day…we break it down and craft a brand around those ideas. Her complete brand project will be featured soon, but for now here is the studio session for Olivia + Olivia and their salon – Salon Tocaya.