A Fall Upstate New York Engagement Session


Let’s talk about how we almost killed each other freshman year – mostly by overindulgence of Friendly’s on a nightly basis. 

Edy and I met in high school and traveled up through graduation together, heading to SUNY Cortland in the fall of 2009 to be roommates. Shea Hall was our home for the year and housed our laughing fits, obnoxious fights, along with a whole lot of peanut m&m’s, goldfish, and sass.

We had a lot of talks in that room and ventured out for photoshoots from that room – classes, homework, meals, and a whole lot of clinging on my end (because what else is an introvert going to do their first bit in college?) I’m a fan of this red-headed human and it feels good to see each other after a million years and be 100% normal. 

They came to my parents’ home in Cazenovia for the absolute perfect setting (see why I can’t get enough??) and my stepdad even let us grab the scooter for our transportation. We won’t talk about how Edy broke her toe that morning (or how I wasn’t 100% shocked when she told me 😂).

Thank you guys for venturing to the farm, riding in a scooter, and trusting me to capture this awesome time of your relationship. Edy, thank you for being one of my first models and for making sure I ate on Wednesdays. 

Happy engagement Tyler + Edy