kickin' it with the cool kids who had
nowhere to sit at lunch and started taking
over the world, one lunch table at a time.

Highbanks Metro Park with The Lofreso Family


Most of you know Jon teaches at Tree Of Life, Polaris campus (previously Polaris Christian Academy) and Lia is the welcoming face behind the front desk. She manages multiple jobs all at once (trust me, you do NOT want to be in there around lunch / recess time when ALL the things are happening at once). I’ve subbed or worked at the school in different capacities over the last five years and enjoy my time spent down there hearing the hilarious and effective parenting strategies she and Mike administer to these cool kids.

Elizabeth trusted me with her senior photos years ago (while SUPER pregnant with Lana) then Jon and I had the chance to work with Adam with the middle school youth group AND teach Mo in some kind of ways (Jon was his Bible teacher, I subbed now and then). We love this family much and I was happy to grab a few shots of them together (plus the pup!).

Scroll on through – and if you’re looking for family photos or know someone who is, shoot me a message and let’s chat!

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