Meet Ariel

Im Ariel and this is my little corner of the world.

Short version 24, living in Ohio, follower of Jesus, wife to Jonathan, mom to Lana , INFJ, writer, photographer, hot cocoa enthusiast, lover of fall + handwritten letters.

I am an Ohio based photographer who has a large part of her heart in central New York. My husband and I were married September 28, 2014 and are winding through our first few years as husband and wife. We met in the fall of 2011 at SUNY Cortland and have gone through our lives feeling like its had to be longer. He is my rock; always encouraging, supporting, loving me through my tendency toward impatience and sass. Theres no one Id rather spend my days with or who I am more thankful for.

After being married a few months, our Australian Shepherd puppy, Caspian, was added to the mix. A week after that, I found out I was pregnant. We became parents in October to Lana Elizabeth and for now, thats our crazy life. We balance life at a small Christian school we love he is the athletic director, Bible teacher, and volleyball coach, I substitute whenever they need me, and baby gets to hang out in the same building at daycare.

Im an introvert, but come alive behind a camera (accents have also been known to come alive, I cant help it, I apologize in advance). Photography is a beautiful avenue to people. Clients trust me to see into their personal lives their love, their real smile, their vulnerabilities, their strengths. I honor that trust and hope youll consider me a friend after working with me.

Id love to connect with you shoot me an email or follow me on social media!

Follow our little familys adventures – #jkamp #caspiantheaussie #lanaelizabethkuhn

(if you’re extra interested, there’s more to the story down below!)

Playing it safe is what people do when theyre afraid

I aspired to be a teacher my entire life. My mom was one of the true greats and I love kids. Teaching seemed like a good fit for me, too. It seemed like a good fit. I went to college with that mindset, I graduated with that mindset, I even taught for a year with that mindset. Dont get me wrong I love teaching. I love my days at school with Jon wrangling kids and bouncing around between grade levels. But I found that it wasnt filling the deepest desires I had for a career.

I had to think. What do I love to do? Ever since I was little Ive been hooked on the act and release of writing. I have a shelf of journals of embarrassing scribblings. I liked to take pictures. I was elated when someone saw a picture of themselves I had taken and felt beautiful. I enjoy hearing peoples stories. I cherish moments in my life and like to document them. I love to see people genuinely in love. That all pointed to what Im doing now.

I dont want to look back and wish. Wish I had taken more chances and trusted myself. Wish that Id taken time to learn something new. I wanted to start a photography business but saying that out loud terrified me. I was so paralyzed by fear and the perception of others that I couldnt step out of my comfort zone. But when I finally took the jump, I felt like I was free.