Tyler and Edy’s Highland Forest Wedding


Years ago, we talked about this lady’s wedding day. How would it go? Who would be there? Most importantly, who would be next to her? Well, it was worth the wait.

After becoming friends in high school, Edy and I decided to risk living together in college. Among the laughing fits, obnoxious fights, and a whole lot of peanut m&m’s, goldfish, and sass…we just barely made it. She was one of my go-to models for sporadic shoots on the side-of-the-road, skipping in back alleys (not as sketchy as it sounds), and on brick sidewalks. She’s always been a vibrant, outgoing, lovely human and her wedding day was no exception. She was there early setting up and putting out fires while maintaining her redhead-like composure, looking forward to seeing her almost-husband watch her walk down the isle.

Capturing Edy and Tyler’s special day at the Skyline Lodge, Highland Forest in Fabius, New York was full of romantic moments, laughter, and sweet embraces, gave me all the feels seeing this friend in a wedding dress. Tyler is the perfect balance to Edy and I love seeing their interaction – they demonstrate bringing out the best in one another in every situation and dang, how fun to see this spicy friend of mine settle down with a cool kid like Tyler.

Scroll through a few favorites from their day!